jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013


To begin the blog we should distinguish between geriatrics and gerontology; that always leads to multiple confusion. The difference is that the gerontology studies the process of biological and physiological ageing and geriatrics explores the clinical and therapeutic aspects; that is to say it is a branch of the gerontology.

This geriatrics has been developed to a large extent due to the fact that the pathologies of the adults or young people have nothing to do with the elderly; therefore it was necessary to create another branch exclusively for them; such specially was born in 1946 in the hand of M. Warren. This geriatrics is created to increase the independence of the elderly, avoiding that it is a social burden; focus on improving their quality of life; more that prolongation of life.

We have to understand the ageing as something: 
  • Universal: all living beings we live it. 
  • Irreversible: cannot be reversed. 
  • Individual: The rate of ageing varies considerably in each person. 
  • Biospheres: carries a progressive loss of function.

Then I will appoint which are to me the most basic principles of geriatrics: 

 - Caring, not curing. Comfort, independence. 
 - Geriatric assessment interdisciplinary and comprehensive.
 - Rehabilitation. Strive to achieve increases in functionality, even if they seem small 
 - The family is critical to good geriatric care.

The skills of nursing in this sector are focused on providing comprehensive care in the whole of their needs; no matter the situation they find themselves: Give a casework to each person; i.e. a process of proper and adequate care to their needs. Develop activities of prevention of the disease; identifying risk situations, by advising on the maintenance of health and personal help in the process of dying.

Conduct research to improve the training in the field of gerontology. Respect the older person and their family; while preserving them for risks and helping them to overcome the difficulties in their health, according to the bio ethical principles of beneficence, autonomy and justice.

The functions of the geriatric nursing are: 

  • Prevention of complications due to ageing as the following occurred: or pressure ulcers if the patient is lodging. 
  • Health education both the patient and the family.
  • Increase security and motivation in itself.

Health care function (the most well-known by all) 

  • Help the elderly person to regain health and thereby enhance their degree of independence. 
  • Planning the care according to the needs. 
  • Evaluate the results and the improvement of the patient. 
  • Monitor the state of health on a regular basis.

Social Function (link between the elderly and the rest of the population) 

  • Guide on the aid and social resources. 
  • Know the policies, partnerships and initiatives for the elderly population. 
  • Report on the social reality of the elderly.

Managerial Role-administrative (maximizes the available resources) 

  • To promote reforms ensure continuity of care of the elderly. 
  • Ensure the quality of care.

Teaching Role: 

  • Promote lifestyles, develop health programs and facilitate changes of skills.

Investigative Function: 

  • Knowledge must go reactor already that each day there are new discoveries in the field of health.

The biggest problem for the elderly in our society is the loneliness and social isolation; looking in several articles that i will add below shows us with scientific bases that loneliness is not only a problem of unhappiness; but also this point influences on mortality.

The risk factor of loneliness is compared with that of obesity and also tell us that the main factor that ensures a good quality of life is to have social relationships.

The older people feel that getting sick is a solution for your loneliness. The own discomfort are converted in the centre of his attention, and the strategy to attract to himself the people dear or to professional caregivers.

Solitude in the elderly is a reality that has been favoured by different factors or causes. Laforest defines three crisis associated with ageing:

• The identity crisis where they are living a set of losses that can damage self-esteem. 
• The crisis of autonomy, given by the deterioration of the body and the potential to thrive in the activities of life. 
• The crisis of belonging, experienced by the loss of roles and of groups to which the professional life and physical capabilities and other measures that affect in social life.

Other problems are very notable doctors as can be the chronic (AMI, COPD, ictus), the mental deterioration (dementia) or terminal diseases that seriously affect to our seniors. 
This makes us think that what most need our elders is the love that we can give; that is to say, that they feel loved by their families already that this is the greatest social support they have.


- Dr. Adolfo de la Peña Llerandi, Diferencias entre geriatría y gerontología, 2007, Disponible en: http://diferencias-adolfo.blogspot.com.es/

- Explore Health Careers, Geriatric Staff Nurse, 2013, Disponible en: http://explorehealthcareers.org/en/Career/151/Geriatric_Staff_Nurse

- HOFFMAN, Gloria Basic Geriatric Nursing 5th Edition. Elsevier 2012. 

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