Mental sphere:
To analyze this sphere is indispensable to know the
education of the patient; since if it is illiterate it will not be able to
answer of equal form to the questions that a person who has studies.
The cognitive deterioration of a patient can depend on
the following variables: Of The own organism, of factors physic socials and of
clinical entities like the alterations in the senses, EPOC, etc..
Also we must
remember that the elders suffer multiple psychic disorders up to in 25 % and
the majority of the it are the depression and anxiety; for what is important to
identify the factors of risk that the elders suffer to derive in the above
mentioned disorders.
These factors can be:
- Biological: Age, sex and race, etc …
- Doctors: Polydrugstore, sensory deprivation,
terminal illnesses, etc …
- Functional. - Psychic: Alcoholism, anxiety,
dementia, etc …
- Social: recent Losses, scanty social support,
socioeconomic resources.
To be able to quarrel if it suffers from depression we
can use the scale of Yesavage's Geriatric Depression or the Scale of Beck's
For the valuation of the cognitive sphere we must bear
multiple factors in mind since they are:
- Level of education, profession.
- Factors of cardiovascular risk: ear Fibrillation,
hypertension, Diabetes.
- Familiar History of dementia.
- Psychiatric Precedents.
- Disorders of the conduct: Deliriums, agitation,
hallucinations, etc …
- Capacity of abstraction / judgment
- Language.
- Problems of recognition of relatives and friends.
We carry out this valuation across multiple test.
In my opinion is extraordinary important to evaluate
accurately a patient and I think it’s very important to know it:
Now that you have completed the questionnaire, add up
the score for each of the twenty-one
questions by counting the number to the right of each
question you marked. The highest possible
total for the whole test would be sixty-three. This
would mean you circled number three on all
twenty-one questions. Since the lowest possible score
for each question is zero, the lowest
possible score for the test would be zero. This would
mean you circles zero on each question.
You can evaluate your depression according to the
Table below.
Total Score________________Levels of Depression
1-10____________________These ups and downs are
considered normal
11-16___________________ Mild mood disturbance
17-20___________________Borderline clinical depression
21-30___________________Moderate depression
31-40___________________Severe depression
over 40__________________Extreme depression
Social sphere
With regard to the social valuation the social worker
is in the habit of carrying out her, this valuation allows us to know the
relation of the elder with the environment (home, familiar and social support).
In this aspect the family performs great importance since if the elder has a
total dependence the whole weight of day after day will fall down on the
keeper; for them the social workers also create programs and groups of support
for the keepers of the elders.
Since the above mentioned keepers are in risk of
depression, physical diseases and death due to the overload of responsibilities
in some cases.
The social resources can be evaluated asking on the
income, housing, transport, insurances, financial loads (due to the condition
of disease of the relative), etc..
The most secondhand scale is that of ORS of social resources that provides to us information about the familiar structure, the
social resources, the economic resources, mental health, physical health and
capacities for the accomplishment of the AVD.
As far as I’m concerned, aging is an
inevitable stage that all people go through. Just like any other stage, this is
also one that has several social aspects. If you want to know what they are,
continue reading this article because this will provide you with the
information you need.
In accordance with a study conducted
by experts, the needs of old people don’t vary much with the needs of people in
other age brackets. For them to have that social security there are several
factors that affect it. The following are the social aspects of older people
that must reveal their self-worth and assurance in life: hobbies and activities
that will make them feel their worth, good relationship with neighbors, family
and friends, accessibility of vital services and commodities, good health, financial
security and secure housing as well.
1.Cawt. [quoted in 16/04/2013] and available on:
2. Mediagraphic [quoted in 16/04/2013] and available on:
3,- HOFFMAN, Gloria Basic Geriatric Nursing 5th Edition. Elsevier 2012.
1.Cawt. [quoted in 16/04/2013] and available on:
2. Mediagraphic [quoted in 16/04/2013] and available on:
3,- HOFFMAN, Gloria Basic Geriatric Nursing 5th Edition. Elsevier 2012.
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