lunes, 22 de abril de 2013



1. The heterogeneity of the 65-year-old major population: healthy elder, sick, elderly fragile elder and patient geriatric

2. The peculiarities of the diseases in the same: atypical presentations of the diseases

3. The fragility like scoreboard of vulnerability in the major persons.

4. Pluripatology and polydrugstore: several diseases can concern to different organic or related systems or not between if.

5. They meet favored by some factors: alteration of the aptitude to keep constant the internal way, interaction of a few systems with others, long periods of latency of many diseases up to becoming symptomatic, inmunitary alterations and yatrogenia. The increase of the consumption of medicaments that is in the habit of being a consequence of the consumption of medicaments that is in the habit of being a consequence of the previous thing and, in occasions, inevitably, being frequent the yatrogenia.

6. Trend to the time and frequent disability: discharge prevalence of chronic and degenerative diseases, which originate dependence with overload of the keepers and high percentage of institutionalizations

7. I predict less favorable of the diseases: these agree in an organism with less functional reservation and capacity of response to you will put stress day pupils, not justifying the abstinence it diagnoses and the opportune treatment, since we verify daily that a sick good diagnosed and agreement answers better than we would wait.

8. Difficulties you diagnose and therapeutic: so much the attitudes you diagnose like therapeutic in geriatrics risk / benefit must be guided by the binomial always looking for this one I finalize, having in the opinion of the elder tells and always after a correct geriatric integral valuation that it should justify to realize or not certain measures you diagnose or therapeutic.

9. Major utilization of sanitary resources: the elders are big consumers of sanitary resources. Demand it hospitable it is characterized for:

a. Hospitable double rate of income to that of the general population, being the triple one that of the major group of 80 years
b. Prolongation of the hospitable stay in many cases tied to the major dependence and yatrogenia in these patients
c. Great number of reentries.

General aspects:
- Trend the time
- Major consumption of sanitary resources - Is Predicted by Me less frequent
- Pluripatology and polydrugstore
- Heterogenic and fragility

10. Major need of rehabilitation (tertiary prevention): the reasons of functional deterioration in an elder can be: multiple, accumulative and interactive; being, on the other hand in this population group where with more frequency diseases affect disability. One of objective you of the geriatrics will be the maintenance of the autonomy and the function across the use of the precocious rehabilitation that was forming a part of the global plan of integral treatment of the elder. A bed-ridden patient has a forecast of life lower than 6 months.

11. Frequent need of utilization of social resources: and the elder often the appearance of disease makes emerge or aggravates problems in society and family.

12. Frequent ethical problems: in capture of decisions you diagnose and therapeutic in the final stadiums of the life, stretching of the life of artificial form in absence of a vital testament of the individual, legal incapacitations in persons with dementia.

What must the professional of infirmary know on the effects of the pain in the geriatric patient?

- Depression
- Decrease of the socialization - Alterations of the dream
- Upset movement.
- Increase of costs and utilization of services of health
- Many conditions deteriorate, including disorders of march, slow rehabilitation and adverse effects d and multiple prescriptions health care.

Effects of the Pain in the patient Geriatric. SCALE, EVE

It consist in a straight, horizontal or vertical line of 10 cm, his ends are delimited by brands that express: without pain and worse possible or imaginable pain it is asked the patient to mark a point in the line that reflects his pain the distance measures up in millimeters from the end not pain up to the marked point The EVE would have a major sensibility for having an infinite number of points between both ends.


1. Multiorganic affectation or pluripatology

2. The reason is due to some reasons.

3. Restoration and rapid progress of the disease

4. Slightly expressive with clinical minimal manifestations or silences’ and sometimes contraindications

5. It is very sensitive to the infections, to the changes of temperature dehydrations, anemia, malnutrition, accidents

6. Major severity as for the intensity of the hurt skin and complications

7. Irreversibility of the loss of the organic function mincingly of the mobility; syndrome of immobility

8. Slow paces of treatment, trend to the time

9. The adaptative answers of the organs can unleash new symptoms.

10. Apathy, depression and mental confusion produces

11. Acceptance of the disability on the part of the patient and the family

12. Answers of iatrogenic type

13. Denial of symptoms (he complains little)

14. Present some type of social or familiar problem.

15. The slightly favorable forecast

To sum up we must know that an aging-associated disease is a disease that is seen with increasing frequency with increasing senescence. Essentially, aging-associated diseases are complications arising from senescence. Age-associated diseases are to be distinguished from the aging process itself because all adult animals age, save for a few rare exceptions, but not all adult animals experience all age-associated diseases. Aging-associated diseases do not refer to age-specific diseases, such as the childhood diseases chicken pox and measles. "Aging-associated disease" is used here to mean "diseases of the elderly". Nor should aging-associated diseases be confused with accelerated aging diseases, all of which are genetic disorders.


Chou KL, Chi IReciprocal relationship between pain and depression in elderly Chinese primary care patients.2005 Oct;20(10):945-52.

- HOFFMAN, Gloria Basic Geriatric Nursing 5th Edition. Elsevier 2012. 

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